
Wednesday 23 October 2013

TY Orson Welles Projects

First performed Halloween 1938

Ms. R. Kelly's Transition Year classes have been working on radio broadcasts inspired by H.G.Well's. novel The War of the Worlds.  In 1938 the original performance, by Orson Welles, caused panic for a public audience. Here are some of their projects based on the Welles' performance

Saturday 19 October 2013

ICT in English 2014 and Beyond

This is a Prezi of a talk I gave at the INOTE conference in Hotel Kilkenny on October 19th 2013. It attempted to look at the new Junior Certificate English Draft Specification and show how ICT could be used to meet the new Learning Outcomes. At the time of making the Prezi, and this blog post, there were 59 Learning Outcomes but the Prezi below should now have the final 39. Some minor adjustments were also made from the version presented on the day and what people can now see below. I hope it may be of benefit to teachers going forward.

Friday 18 October 2013

5th Year Robert Frost Work

Over the past few weeks, 5D have been studying the poetry of Robert Frost. At the end of our study, small groups analyzed and presented their ideas on the poems that caught their attention – concentrating on themes, imagery and other features of style. Attached is a copy of one of the presentations. This ‘Prezi’ by Paddy, Sarah and Nealon looks at Frost’s famous poem, ‘The Road Not Taken’.
(Ms C. Kelly)


My class also started the year with the poetry of Robert Frost. As we finished we decided to collect key quotes and poetic techniques and put them into a Quizlet revision set. Each pupil had to use a poetic term they learned during the section and link it to a moment from one of Frost's poems. Enjoy!

(Mr Evesson)