Book Review
Reviewed By: Olivia, Rebecca and Taha from 1Z
Title: The Million Dollar Gift
Author: Ian Somers
At the beginning of this book the main protagonist, Ross Bentley, is a
lonely and unhappy teenager living in a small, quiet town in Ireland. Still
filled with resentment due to the loss of his mother at a young age, Ross has
only one friend, hates his job and has an extremely difficult relationship with
his father.
Ross discovered in his early teens that he has the gift of psychokinesis
which means that he can move things using the power of his mind. Instead of
using his extraordinary abilities to enhance his life, Ross kept his gift a
secret and pushed everyone he loved away from him.
Then he learns of The Million Dollar Gift, a competition being run by an
American company who are offering a million dollars to anyone who can prove
that they have a superhuman power. Ross decides not to pass up the opportunity
to turn his life around and with new-found hope he leaves his job and opens up
to his father. He travels alone to London to enter the competition unaware of
the dangerous situation he is putting himself in and is thrust into the middle
of a chaotic struggle for money and power.
by Olivia
by Olivia
The author's writing is very powerful and
effective. He uses a technique called omniscient narration really well. There is suspense and intrigue
in this book which also has a lot of great imagery. At the end of the novel we get lots of exciting revelations.
We personally found this book very humorous, action
packed, thrilling and very intriguing but this book also contained a lot of
spelling mistakes along with typos.
We will definitely recommend this to other first year classes
because it is fast-paced and very interesting and makes the reader continuously
eager to turn to the next page!
Our overall conclusion
of this book is that it is very good and that since we finished the book we still
feel very curious as to what will happen in the next book. We found the
Million Dollar Gift an interesting read and much better than the books we had
to study in primary school. We really came to like Ross and wanted to know how everything
turns out, although some of the plot was a little stereotypical and was easy to predict.
The next book in the series is due to be released next month!
The next book in the series is due to be released next month!
By Taha and Rebecca 1Z